If you cannot find the answer to your question in the instructions below, please contact Natural Heritage New Mexico at nhnm@unm.edu
Instructions by Page/Tab
Jump to section:
Create Your Account & Sign In:
- In the User Login box, click ‘Create new account’
- Enter your email address, first name, last name, and phone number
- Read the Terms and Conditions of Use, and click ‘Accept’
- Click on ‘Create new account’
- A verification email will be sent to you from nmedb_admin@nmedb.org Tip: (Check your spam/junk folder). Click on the activation link in that email and then set your password within 24 hours. Enter a password and then click ‘Save’.
- You have successfully registered your account!
How Do I Log In?:
- In the User Login box, enter your email or username
- Next, enter your password
- If you have forgotten your password, click on 'Request new password' and follow the directions
- Click on ‘Log in’
Please note: Clicking on a different page from within the Explore Page will open the page in a new tab. This ensures that the user does not lose their map state including their uploaded or added layers.
Map Widgets
Upper Left Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Default Map View tool to zoom to the state of New Mexico
- Click on the Legend tool to view a map legend
- Only visible layers (open eyeball) will be shown in the legend
- Click on the Select Basemap tool to select a different basemap
Upper Right Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Search tool to navigate to addresses or places
- Click on the Print/Export tool to print a map
- Click on the Measure Distance tool to calculate distances.
- Double-click to finish line.
- Click on the Measure Area tool to calculate areas and perimeters.
- Double-click to finish polygon.
- Click on the Identify by Box tool to pick a layer and select records using a box.
- Tip: Identify by Box (geographic selection) works in concert with Search for Features (attribute filter)
- Select a layer to search
- Then draw a box using cursor: click and hold the left mouse button on starting point, drag cursor to endpoint, and release left mouse button.
- The search results will appear in the table
- Click on 3 dots in upper right corner of table to customize columns and export to a pdf
- Coming soon: results will be downloadable as a .csv file
Lower Right Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Zoom In tool to zoom in and see more details on the map
- Click on the Zoom Out tool to zoom out and see less details on the map
Click on 'Define Area of Interest' section to define an area of interest in one of two ways:
Important: For environmental review purposes, an area of interest should consist of the entire activity impact area and not just the project footprint.
- 1st Option: Draw your area of interest: Click on ‘Draw on Map’ and draw a polygon, line, or point on the map using the drawing controls
- Please note: You must zoom in closer than 1:72,224 to draw a shape
- Please note: You can only draw one polygon, line, or point. If your area of interest is best defined with multiple shapes, you will need to upload a zipped shapefile (see 2nd Option below).
- Please note: Lines and points will automatically be buffered by 300 feet. You have the option of changing the buffer distance.
- Using Settings
, toggle on/off ‘Snapping’, which displays right angles and parallel lines while you draw
- Using Draw Polygon
, Draw Line
, or Draw Point
, click on the map to begin drawing; double click to complete polygons and lines
- Using Select Feature
, click on your shape to begin editing; double click outside your shape to complete shape
- 2nd Option: Upload a zipped shapefile that contains your area of interest: Click on ‘Upload File'
- Browse to the zipped shapefile, click on file, and click on 'Open'
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must contain all the components of a ESRI shapefile, including the .prj file in a standard ESRI projection
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must be < 10 MB in size
- Please note: The uploaded shapefile can consist of polygons, lines, or points and can contain multiple records
After defining an area of interest, users can create an EnviroData-NM Project Review.
Create a Project Report:
Tip: Users must first define an area of interest in order to request a project report.
- After defining an area of interest, click on the 'Natural Heritage Review' button
- Please note: The EnviroData-NM Project Review is only available to registered users; users must be logged in to see the 'Natural Heritage Review' button
- Fill out the questions in the Request EnviroData-NM Project Review window
- Important: Give each project a unique name!
- The system will send you an email. It may take up to five minutes to receive the email.
- Follow the instructions in the email
Search for Features:
- Click on 'Search for Features' to filter the records of a layer based on attributes
- Tip: Search for Features (attribute filter) works in concert with Identify by Box (geographic selection)
- Select a layer to search
- Click on 'Add Expression' to define a filter
- Select Field Name, Operator, and Value
- Click on 'Add Expression' to continue adding to filter
- For multiple expressions, the default matching rule is "Matching all expressions"
- Click on Matching Rule section to change matching rule
- The search results will appear in the table
- Click on 3 dots in upper right corner of table to customize columns and export to a pdf
- Coming soon: results will be downloadable
- Click on 'Layers' to view available layers
- Turn layers on and off by clicking on the eyeball
- Tip: To see grayed-out layers, zoom in further on the map
- Layers can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the layers
- Click on spatial data in the map area to identify attributes
- Click on the “…” button to:
- Zoom to layer
- Review layer descriptions
- Change opacity of layers
How Do I Add a Layer?
- To add your own layer, click on 'Add Layer' button
- Please note: Added layers are not saved and will be lost if you close the Explore Page
- There are two ways to add a layer
- To upload a zipped shapefile, select ‘Upload Layer’
- Click on 'Upload Shapeflie' and select your zipped shapefile,
- Enter a unique name for your file
- Click on 'Add Layer'
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must contain all components of a ESRI shapefile, including the .prj file in a standard ESRI projection
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must be < 10 MB in size
- To Link to a URL, click on the 'Link to URL' tab
- Enter the URL of the layer you would like to add
- Click on Verify URL
- Click on 'Add Layer' button
- To upload a zipped shapefile, select ‘Upload Layer’
Tip: Some basemaps consist of a reference (label) layer and a base layer that can be individually toggled on and off
- Filter your list of projects by using the filters on the top half of the page
- Click on a project title to go to that specific project
View Tab:
- Click on 'Report File (PDF) link in Automated Review Results table to see the project report
- Click on Shapefile (ZIP) or KMZ to verify geographic area submitted for the project report
Edit Details Tab:
Important: Do NOT create duplicate entries for the same project unless you are correcting an error to a previous submission
- Use this tab to edit the details of your project
- Click ‘Save’
- Wait until a new Report File (PDF) link is generated in the Automated Review Results table, then click on link to view the project report
Edit/View Shape Tab:
- Single click within your geometry to start editing
- Reshape project boundary
- Single click outside your geometry to finish editing
- Click ‘Update Project Geometry'
- Click ‘Submit’ on the Confirmation popup
- Click ‘yes’ to return to your project
- Wait until a new Report File (PDF) link is generated in the Project Review Results table, then click on link to view the results.
Generate Report Tab:
- Click ‘Submit’ to generate a new report
- Wait until a new Report File (PDF) link is generated in the Automated Review Results table, then click on link to view the results.